Sunday, August 27, 2006

A weekend retreat with my dear friends....Karen and Bill.....from Scottish flair to San Antonio flavors!

I had a splendid weekend staying with my wonderful friends, Karen and Bill. Karen and I were colleagues together when I managed the training department for Verizon. I left the department for my new job in 2002; she left the department the same time for her new job, which resulted in a move to San Antonio.

I was blessed with warm hospitality at their five acre home in the hills of San Antonio. Yes, there are hills...and deer! A family of six deer who visited Bill's feeding site every evening and morning...we sat by the pool in lawn chairs and watched them cautiously approach the feed; they would remain there until we got up to move around, then they would scamper back among the oak trees. Such beautiful animals!

Karen fixed wonderful breakfasts on Saturday and Sunday; we exercised together, walked their five acres, visited a brand new shopping mall, ate dinner at my favorite Riverwalk restaurant (Boudro's), swam in the lovely salt-water pool, and played several hands of canasta. I'm so thrilled they are moving back to Dallas; I look forward to spending more time with both of them.

Bill is a native of Scotland; speaks with the Scottish brogue; is charming beyond measure, and has wonderful stories to tell. Between the Scottish flair of their home, and the beauty of their San Antonian home, I had a marvelous time!

I'm trying to post photos...not having the best of success. I'll continue trying.


Blogger Rachel V said...

Sounds like a fantastic weekend! That's great that they are moving back to Dallas. :)

5:27 AM  

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