Monday, April 24, 2006

The Angela Adventures

Seasons of Life...sweet? salty? bitter? bittersweet? interesting word. As a flavor, it could be likened to unsweetened chocolate stirred in a cup of Starbucks Verona blend. As an emotion, it can be calming, settling, peaceful, yet seasoned with a twinge of nervous, gastrointestinal distress. Yes...that's me right now...experiencing a bittersweet season of my life.

So, who am I right now? Empty Nester. Separated (marital status). Boss. Friend. Award-winning employee. Daughter. Sister. Mother. Ex-wife. Neighor. Auntie. Grandmother wanna-be. Stepmother-sort of. Yet, with all of these attributes, I'm embracing the bittersweet peace the most. I've made some difficult, yet brave decisions of late. I've turned my attentions to me...taking care of me...listening to my inner voices...yet still listening to God and watchful of those around me. Sometimes the voices clash; sometimes they meld together; other times they are complementary to each other. Bittersweet peace...for me it's a life-decision that has liberated me from ties that were choking me, stressing me, hurting me, weighting me down, preventing me from delighting in the moment. For me, it's a life-decision that has enabled me to breathe fresh air, enjoy simple things in life, cherish solitude, and rest at ease. And I've also paid closer attention to the promptings of His Holy Spirit. Some of His promptings are confirming; others are questioning. And so...the bittersweet moments of this season of my life.

More later...


Blogger Rachel V said...

So nice to see a new post up from you! I know blogging isn't exactly easy right now. Know how much we love you and embrace you across the miles. I am glad that there is sweetness in the bitter for you, sad that there is bitter in the sweet... praying that you will find joy in the trials.

and as for that "Grandmother wanna-be" :) We'll do our best to give you a grandchild 'ere TOO long! (Mike - no apoplexy, please)....

11:02 PM  

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